We strive to provide the best possible access to materials and services for all patrons, including assistance retrieving books and materials, library orientations, research consultations, instructions on operating equipment, accommodations for workshops and events, and referrals to campus resources.
If you have questions about our services or suggestions for improvement, please contact us. We welcome your questions and feedback.
Digitized Versions of Copyrighted Material
Qualifying patrons may be eligible to access digitized versions of copyrighted material through our partnership with the Access and Accommodations Center and the HathiTrust Digital Library.
To request material or ask questions about eligibility, please contact Victor Robertson by email at [email protected] or by phone at 770-274-5616.
Most of our locations provide assistive software for speech recognition, screen reading, magnification, and more. The available software changes periodically. Please contact us to learn more about what we offer at each location.
Equipment loans are available through the Access & Accommodations Center at each Georgia State location.
Service & Support Animals
The library follows Georgia State’s policy on service animals. Service animals are welcome in public areas of the library.
Emotional support animals are not allowed in common areas of campus, including the library.
Building Accessibility
All libraries have accessible restrooms and assistive computer stations. Except for our Alpharetta location, all libraries have button-activated entrances.
Information about accessible parking is available by calling Auxiliary Services at 404-413-9500 or visiting Georgia State’s Disabilities Parking website.
You can find directions to each campus library on our Visit the Library page.
The Alpharetta campus library is on the first floor of the AA building. The library does not have a button-activated entrance. The door is usually open. If the door is closed during regular library hours, knock or call 770-274-5653 and someone will open the door.
The Alpharetta location has one adjustable-height workstation with assistive equipment and software.
There are several accessible entrances to both Library North and Library South.
The main entrance to Library North is off the greenway. The entrance is fully accessible with ramps, automatic sliding doors, and elevators.
The entrance to Library South is accessible by various paths:
- By way of the walkway from the 3rd level of G Deck
- From the 2nd-floor of Classroom South
- From the Decatur Street sidewalk (between Classroom South and Library South)
- From the ground-floor entrance behind Library South
The Library North and Library South buildings are connected by The Link, an indoor, functional bridge.
All floors of Library North and Library South are wheelchair accessible. However, some bookshelf areas may not be accessible. Library staff can retrieve books from the shelves. Inquire at a service desk for assistance.
The library entrance is on the second floor of the CL building. The elevator is under the stairs in the atrium.
The library is on the third floor of the SA building.
The library entrance is on the second floor of Dunwoody LRC. To reach the second floor from the parking lot, use the sidewalk ramp or the elevator just inside the door at street level. Exit the elevator to the left and then turn left to reach the library entrance.
The library is on the third floor of the 2N building.
Contact & Feedback
If you have questions about our services, please contact us. You can call your preferred library location; library phone numbers are listed in our directory. You can visit us in person; information about visiting us is on our Visit the Library page. You can chat with us through our chat service. Or you can email one of our librarians directly.
We welcome your suggestions for improving library services. If you encounter accessibility barriers at the library or on the library website, please contact the Associate Dean of Public Services, Bryan Sinclair.