Reserves are books, articles, videos and other materials assigned by your instructor.
Course Reserves Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I access Electronic Reserves (E-Reserves)? E-Reserve materials are only accessible through course-specific, password-protected pages. Only your instructor can give you the password for your class. Library staff cannot share passwords with students. To find E-Reserve materials start by selecting the current term and then your course number.
- How do I borrow something on Reserve? Books and media reserve items are held at your library’s service desk. To borrow something, you’ll need your PantherCard or a government-issued photo ID.
- How do I find the call number of a Reserve item? We might ask you for the call number of the item you need to help us locate it. You can look up the call number and check availability in the library catalog. Refine your results by course instructor or course ID to improve your results.
- How long can I keep a Reserve item? Reserves can be borrowed for 2 hours, 3 days or 1 week. Your instructor decides on the loan period for each item. When you check out reserve materials, the library staff member will let you know when they’re due back. The loan period for media reserves is 6 hours.
- How many Reserve items can I check out at a time? You are limited to 2 books or 1 media item.
- What if I return a Reserve item late? Overdue fines vary according to the loan period. Books on loan for 2 hours are charged $5 per hour and books on loan for 3 days or 1 week are charged $5 per day. Media on loan for 6 hours are charged $5 per hour.
- I’m an instructor. How do I request items to be put on Reserve? See our Course Reserves for Faculty page for policies and procedures.